Friday, September 16, 2011

The Event Landing Page Turns Invitees Into Attendees

Your event’s landing page must do three things—give the complete context so the viewer can immediately decide if they should participate, provide a simple path to register, and allow participants to expand your audience through social networks and viral invitations.

Here’s what looks for in the Event Landing Page:

1.    Event Context:  The event’s landing page should have at a minimum: Title, date/time, description, intended audience, cost, presenter, photo, and biography. Content is an important part of a landing page, but knowing what to include and what to omit is very important. It is important to keep in mind who your audience is and make sure that the information you provide is relevant to them.

2.    Registration:  The event’s landing page is useless if your audience cannot register for the event. The registration form should be simple, with a submit button that is visible “above the fold”, without the need to scroll down.

3.    Appealing:  Content should include an appealing reason to join, with an attractive presentation that is consistent with your web site

4.    Sponsors:  Sponsors name/logo should be listed on the event’s landing page with links to sponsor-specific information - to keep educational content of webinar separate from sales-oriented messages.

5.    Social:  To expand the audience beyond your existing community, participants and presenters should have a clear, single-click method to share events with their social network.

6.    Invitations:  The option to invite others via email to join, branded consistently in the same look and feel, and getting them on the event’s landing page in one-click.

7.    Reminders:  Participants often register days or weeks in advance, so the landing page should let registrants add the date and time (in the viewer’s time zone) to their calendar with reminders and links to join when the event is live.

Each event serves a different purpose, so each event should have a separate landing page. Organized this way, the event landing pages become a key part of your community growth strategy. believes that online events excellence should be easy and affordable.

Click here to receive a FREE “Webvent Score” that rates your events program against these best practices and more.   Comment below if you’ve found other best practices for your Event Landing Page.

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