A Social Network is made up of a set of individuals and organizations, and the relationships, connections, and interactions between them. Social networking services - or social media - like Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Twitter focus on building relations among people who share a common interest and/or activities. Users of these services have a profile, they have social links to other users, and they interact through email or instant messaging.
Media networking services focus on sharing social and other media among professionals who share a common interest. Webvent for example, is focused on connecting buyers and vendors in specific industries or marketplaces. It provides buyers a rich media experience and interactive self-education opportunities, while controlling how they engage with vendors. Users can search on any keyword through the database of videos, white papers, case studies, and blogs. They download relevant information, join webcasts, and learn from industry thought leaders. They see how they’re linked through social networks with other professionals, and connect through email.
Like social networking services, media networking services are free and easy to use. Income is generated through advertising.
Uniting the social networks of individuals and organizations in the context of a specific industry or marketplace offers great value to industry associations and publishers - and their members or subscribers. It helps them offer the programming and services to their members far beyond the monthly publication or annual event: it brings the ‘latest‘ on your industry from thought leaders, vendors, influencers, and other subject matter experts, to your member’s desk 365 days of the year. And it opens up whole new revenue streams from advertising and sponsorships.
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